Today's Holiday: Festival of Terrible Poetry
In honor of this, a bit of "hare of the doggerel" from your humble blog-meister.

Ode to a Copepod
I love you little copepod,
I love to watch your brittle bod,
Be you boy or be you broad,
I love you little copepod!
I love you little copepod,
Your watery ways I must applaud,
For usefulness you can't be beat,
Without you what would "whalies" eat?
O! copepod, it's sad to see,
A copepod I could not be,
Eternal hex was placed on thee,
External sex is not for me!
(I was dating a marine biologist at the time)
Born this date: Gilda Radner (1946) (Emily Litella - "never mind!")
R.I.P. Rod Serling (1975)
On This Date: Tomato is proven nonpoisonous 1820