Sunday, February 28, 2010

Whuppity's Eve!

R.I.P. This date, 1993:

Ishiro, Honda

(Godzilla's Daddy!)

Feast Day of St. Hilarius

(sorry, couldn't resist that one...)

Today's quote comes from that lovable
ol' optimist Kurt Vonnegut:

"One of the few good things
about modern times:
If you die horribly on television,
you will not have died in vain.
You will have entertained us."

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Okay guys, muster up,
2 days to Whuppity Scoorie!

Born this date, 1902:

John Steinbeck

R.I.P. this date, 2008:

William F. Buckley

Quote o' the day:

"I don't make jokes.
I just watch the government
and report the facts."

Will Rogers

Friday, February 26, 2010

On this date, 2001:

Taliban destroys two giant statues
of Buddha in Bamyan, Afghanistan.

Born this date, 1928:

Fats Domino

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Born this date, 1943:

George Harrison

Assumed room temperature
this date, 1957:

"Bugs" Moran

Inventor of the drive by shooting

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Born this date, 1942:

Joe Lieberman

R.I.P this date, 1810:

Henry Cavendish

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Born this date,1685:

Georg Friedrich Handel


Monday, February 22, 2010

On this date, 1983:

The notorious Broadway flop

"Moose Murders"
opens and closes.

Born this date, 1732:

G. Washington


Sunday, February 21, 2010

On this date, 1953:

Francis Crick & James Watson

"discover" the structure of the

DNA molecule

Born this date, 1893:

Andres Segovia

another "plucky" fellow


R.I.P. this date, 1996

Mortin Gould

Quote o' the Day:

"I prefer the company of peasants
because they have not been educated
sufficiently to reason incorrectly."

Michel de Montaigne

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Today is:


(Northern Hemisphere)

R.I.P. this date, 2010:

Alexander Haige

Friday, February 19, 2010

On this date, 1861:

Serfdom abolished in Russia

(so what did they do with all the serf boards?)

Born this date, 1473:

Nicolaus Copernicus

(A fellow not without talent)

R.I.P. this date, 1936:

Billy Mitchell



Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Born this date, 1963:

Michael Jordan


R.I.P. this date, 1970: Alfred E. Newman.

No, not this Alfred E. Newman

(he's immortal)

This Alfred E. Newman

Quote o' the day:

"The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised."

George Will

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This year Mardi Gras coinsides with the Festival of Stick Buns.

I think NOT!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Today's Pearl: "Octoman"

Described as a "Poor man's Creature From the Black Lagoon", this turkey is about a scientific team that stumbles over a creature that is half-man half-octopus. (Didn't see that coming did you!?)

It has all the elements of a bad flick (terrible acting, bad directing, atrocious writing, etc..

The Piece de resistance, though is the fact that the special effects supervisor was none other than Rick Baker who went on to be one of the best SE guys in the business. ("Men in Black" I/II; "Planet of the Apes" "Batman Forever".) Oh, well guess everybody's gotta start somewhere.

Footnote: I was just checking the IMDb page on writer, director Harry Essex. It turns out he was the screenwriter for "Creature From The Black Lagoon" and "It Came from Outer Space". Go figgur!

Presidents' Day
My Favorite

(well, except Reagan)

"Silent" Cal Coolidge

"I have never been hurt by what I have not said. "

Born this date, 1883:

Sax Rohmer

Creator of "Fu Manchu"

Sax & violins, what a concept!

R.I.P. This date, 1988:

Richard Feynman

"For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled."

Are you listening, Al Gore? Nah.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gung Hei Fat Choi!

Born this date, 1788

Fernando Sor

Plucky Little Devil!

On this date 1929

St. Valentine's Day Massacre

Capone takes care o' business
(Chicago style)
by killing other gangsters

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Only 16 Shopping Days until

Whuppity Scoorie!

(hint hint)

In the "cool names" department,
this fellow is the Acting President of Nigeria
and his name is:

Goodluck Ebele Jonathan

Altogether now

"Cool name, Mr. Jonathan!"

Born this date, 1766:

Thomas "ol' Doom & Gloom" Malthus

(as Keynes said: "in the 'long run',
we are all dead.)

R.I.P. this date, 2002

Waylon Jennings

"Mamas don't let your babies grow up to
be cowgirls." (sorry)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Quote o' the Day:

"If knowledge can create problems,
it is not through ignorance that we can solve them."

Isaac Asimov

Born this date, 1934:

Bill Russell


R.I.P. this date, 2000:

Charles Schultz

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Today is

Fetter Donnerstag ("Fat Thursday")

"Ich bin ein 'Berliner'"

On this day, 611 BCE

Emperor Jimmu Tenno
founded Japan and established
his capital in Yamato

On this date 1258

Bagdad falls to the Mongols.
Abbasid Caliphate destroyed

Born on this date (1964)

Glenn Beck
