Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Weiner Rotates On The
The Congressman, he shed a tear,
He gurgled, choked, and cried,
He apologized profusely,
He looked real sad ... he sighed,
"Should I plead insanity?"
Or take some other stance,
"Should I just resign this post?"
The Weiner said: "FAT CHANCE!"

Friday, June 3, 2011

National Itch Day

An Ode to the Re-dick-u-lous

"That's not my weiner" the congressman bawled,
"The lump in my shorts doesn't look right at all! (oops)

"That's not my crank" -- said Barney Frank,
"Mine is much prettier" --must be a prank!

"That's not my Willie" -- the Slickmeister cracked,
"Hillary's still got mine" -- "and won't give it back" (ouch)

"That can't be my wanker" -- said Li'l Dick Durban,
"Mine is much cuter" -- and "It" wears a turban.

And so they debate, trying to get to the bottom,
Could be republican? -- Nah they ain't got 'em.

The "twystery"* continues, and keeps us in stiches,
They can't let it go -- those dumb sons-0-bitches!

*"Twystery" = Twitter Mystery